The children of Alonissos show the way towards a sustainable future

Apr 11, 2022 | Alonissos, Enviromental Education, News

On the weekend of April 8 and 9, the young citizens of Alonissos met with the most sustainable future of their island! In particular they were active and full of enthousiasm in the two-day clean-ups organized by the Thalassa Foundation on the beaches of Tsoukalia and Spartines and relieved them of a significant pollutant load. During the cleanups, environmental games were implemented, specially designed to educate children on topics such as marine biodiversity, marine litter, protection from forest fires, etc.

The contribution of the Scouts of Alonissos, as well as of representatives of the Municipal Authority was huge. At the same time, there were also many adults
participating in the clean ups either by accompanying their children or out of their own environmental interest.

The very positive messages we received from our first spring effort, give us with strength and optimism to continue the awareness efforts with more actions
in the summer time … Stay tuned!




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