MSA launches two calls for project proposals

Jun 15, 2020 | Marine Research, News

The Monk Seal Alliance has identified its near-time funding strategy for support towards monk seal conservation (2020-2024). The strategy is aligned with the Regional Strategies and Action Plans for the protection of the Mediterranean Monk Seal under the Barcelona Convention and the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, as well as existing National Action Plans for the conservation of the species. It will also contribute to the objectives of the wider frameworks of the European Habitats Directive, Natura 2000 networks, the UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan and the Convention of Biological Diversity.

As part of this strategy, the MSA launches two calls for collaborative project proposals:

Call A: “Conservation of the Mediterranean Monk Seal in priority areas”

Call B: “Reinforcing international collaboration and capacity building for Mediterranean Monk Seal Protection”

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